Session 6
Healing in Resistance: Together We Care, Heal & Become Stronger
The focus should be on humane, fair, dignified migration. This implies acknowledging the pain that migrating may entail, without letting that define the migration experience. It is important to aim for comprehensive support that fosters empowerment and political agency, and to recognize that the struggle is not individual, but rather collective. Migrants should be encouraged to advocate for their rights. Seeking asylum is a right, as is having their own space, decent housing, employment, and education for their children.
In order to heal, it is important to understand that people internalize the stories they hear over and over again, but that there is also trauma inherited from ancestors. Trauma can affect children and communities at large. This is why it is essential to create safe spaces for communities, where they can speak their language, such as Haitian Creole, or observe their customs.
The fight against negligent systems that marginalize migrant populations is essential. It was mentioned that Indigenous peoples are not isolated. They have also migrated and are around the world. Some examples of the Indigenous communities’ resistance include celebrating, crying, and marching/demonstrating, as well as defending access to language as a human right.